Repeat The Message

- Sequence -


After the Drakonid invasion, there's very little energy left in the world of Coders. Strengthen the Coders' light signals by repeating the pattern of flashing lights. This pattern creates a sequence, which is a readable signal for other Coders. It probably contains some important message! Maybe it's a Coder's SOS? Don't wait and amplify the message by stomping, repeating exactly the sequence of flashing lights. Here, the order of stomping is of great importance, so be careful and don't make a mistake! Good luck!

Application Instructions

After the Drakonid invasion, there's very little energy left in the world of Coders. Strengthen the Coders' light signals by repeating the pattern of flashing lights. Stomp on the colored LEDs in the order in which the Coders created the message.

Conversation Inspirations with Children

Talk to students about known life situations or examples from their immediate environment in which they use or may encounter the concept mentioned:

  • A traffic light at an intersection, thanks to the sequence of colored lights, tells us when to stop (red light), when to go (green light), and when to prepare for a change of activity (orange light). This sequence is constant and thanks to it, everyone knows who can cross the intersection freely at what time.
  • The same is true for pedestrian signals. Thanks to the sounds they make and the flashing, we know when we can go, when to stop, and when the opportunity to cross is ending.
  • The fire department also conveys information using a sequence of sounds about the type of event to which it is calling firefighters.

What is a sequence?

It is an ordered series of characters, symbols, names, events. It forms the structure of a system, some accepted rule, formula. Sequential programming is a basic technique for creating code. All instructions are written in the code in order and executed one after the other.