Assumptions and Limitations

In the Table: Assumptions and Limitations, the criteria adopted for the designed coding course are listed.

Table: Assumptions and Limitations

Parameter / Assumption / Limitation Value
Required reading skill of the student NO
Required counting to 10 skill YES
Age of students 7-14 years
Recommended teacher presence during classes YES
Required specialized preparation of the teacher NO
Individual work with the student YES
Teacher working with a group of students YES
Students working in pairs or groups YES
Possibility of the student using the interactive application independently YES
Possibility of the teacher adapting ready-made lesson scenarios to the needs of students YES
One or more solutions for the task. YES
Work at a computer station *in case of operation on an interactive floor NO
Prepared environment for interactive teaching. Required elements: (A) SmartFloor™ interactive floor, (B) installed Motioncube™ - Go Lumi! application, (C) infrared (IR) pens - 2 pieces (e.g. 1 long, 1 short). YES