Methodological Introduction

For children aged: preschool, early school

Collection: Code with Ava - Interactive Coding Boards

Type of interaction: Light Markers

The Planet of Librarians is famous for its vast Archive. It contains all the encoded words that the inhabitants of the Galaxy Funn use to communicate with each other. For everything to work smoothly, each word must have an assigned code.

Applications from the Letters and Words section use information encoded using graphic signs. Our speech, the language we speak, is the first code understood by us. Letters, with which we write words, create codes. Developing reading skills, introducing subsequent letters of the Polish alphabet can be supported by using applications from this section. The proposed games are related to reading hidden words on the boards. The boards have been arranged according to the order of introducing letters used in textbooks for grade I. Applications from the Letters and Words section can form the basis of exercises supporting the recognition of letters and the phonetic synthesis and analysis of words at an early stage of developing reading skills.

In the applications from the Letters and Words section, we have used a user-friendly user panel, which contains functions helpful in working with the board. You will find their description on the following pages of the guide.