Complete symmetrical pictures

For children aged: early school

Collection: Code with Ava - Interactive Coding Boards

Type of interaction: Light Markers

Difficulty Level

Differentiation of difficulty level according to: board size (3×3, 6×6, 10×10), number of fields to color, number of details on the board (complexity of the pattern).

board size pattern complexity number of fields


Achievements in accordance with the records of the core curriculum for primary school, grades I-III

Computer science education: the student solves tasks, puzzles, and riddles leading to the discovery of algorithms; uses a computer or other digital device and external devices to perform a task; associates the operation of a computer or other digital device with the effects of working with software; cooperates with students, exchanges ideas and experiences with them, using technology.

General Objectives

  • developing visual perception,
  • shaping spatial orientation,
  • stimulating visual-motor coordination,
  • improving the ability to concentrate attention.

Operational Objectives, Student

  • completes the illustration according to the given pattern using the principle of mirror reflection,
  • knows the concepts: vertical, horizontal.

Description of work with the application

Launch the "Complete the images - symmetry" application. Explain to the students that Ava in the art studio creates colorful patterns on fabrics. A large number of orders from the residents of the Planet of Artists means that Ava has to constantly invent new patterns. You only see half of the drawing, because our heroine does not have time to finish them. Choose the board size suitable for your students. Complete the image by coloring the empty fields, just like in a mirror reflection. Thanks to this application, you will explain to your students what the concept of symmetry is. In the "Create your own image" application, you can additionally ask students to prepare symmetrical images themselves, these can be additional tasks for their peers.


Complete the pattern on the fabric according to its mirror reflection.