Reach the last plant - loops

For children aged: early school

Collection: Code with Ava - Interactive Coding Boards

Type of interaction: Light Markers

Difficulty Level

Differentiation of difficulty level according to: board size (6×6, 10×10), length of the arranged route, application of the loop concept.

board size route length loops


Achievements in accordance with the records of the core curriculum for primary school, grades I-III

Computer science education: the student solves tasks, puzzles, and riddles leading to the discovery of algorithms; uses a computer or other digital device and external devices to perform a task; associates the operation of a computer or other digital device with the effects of working with software; cooperates with students, exchanges ideas and experiences with them, using technology.

General Objectives

  • improving spatial orientation,
  • shaping the ability to create command sequences controlling an object,
  • developing the ability to use algorithms,
  • shaping the ability to recognize popular species of plants and animals.

Operational Objectives, Student

  • arranges the route using blocks with a loop,
  • determines the mutual position of objects on the plane,
  • determines directions and establishes the position of objects in relation to oneself, as well as in relation to other objects, distinguishes the left and right side,
  • uses the concepts: vertical, horizontal.

Description of work with the application

Launch the "Harvest - Loops" application. Tell the students that the inhabitants of the Gardener's Planet are engaged in growing plants. Thanks to them, there is no shortage of food in the Funn Galaxy. However, this year autumn came earlier, and not all crops are in the granary! Help Ava collect all the flowers and ripe vegetables and fruits so that no one's stomach rumbles throughout the winter! If they don't harvest on time, there will be a shortage of food in the Funn Galaxy. Choose the board size suitable for your students. Use blocks with arrows to determine the route to the goal for Ava the Gardener, leading her between the beds. You can record repeating movements using arrows with a number.


Use blocks with arrows to determine the route for Ava the Gardener to exit the bed! Remember to collect all the flowers and ripe fruits and vegetables!