Methodological Introduction
For children aged: preschool, early school
Collection: Code with Ava - Interactive Coding Boards
Type of interaction: Light Markers
On the Planet of Alchemists, medicines are produced for all residents of the Funn Galaxy. Ava's task is to create the necessary substances according to complicated recipes. Our heroine must ensure that all ingredients, recipes, and spells are decoded.
The grid of fields used in the Coordinates section applications has been described using coordinates. Each field on the board has its unique code, which should be used during the exercise. Playing with the coordinate system is an important element of classes in the field of mathematical education. Our applications allow introducing these contents in a friendly and interesting way. Their use will support the development of visual perception and spatial orientation of students. It is also another proposal for coding games, which can take place not only using blocks with arrows. Activity on the boards is associated with arranging, as well as marking elements according to the instruction written using coordinates. You can also shape the ability to describe selected fields with their help. The proposed applications are an excellent tool for working with the concept of coordinates, allowing for diversification of activities and exercises related to it.