Ball Game

Ball Game template - learn the recipe for the interactive game!

Standard application appearance
Standard application appearance

Game logic

A competitive game for two players or teams. Players kick a moving object (a ball) towards the opponent's goal. The game ends when the game time expires. The player who scores more points wins.

Template configuration

Graphics required

You need:

  • one graphic for the background
  • one graphic for the controlled object (ball)
  • two graphics for gate type objects

General settings

You can set:

  • sound effects
  • background music
  • additional screens

Advanced application operation parameters

You can edit:

  • interaction effect - the ability to adjust the ball object's reaction force to the impact,
  • visibility of the timer,
  • score counter visibility.

Advanced settings available in the template:

  • margin of the pitch object - offset of the physical walls for the ball object from the edge of the screen, e.g. in order to add the background of the stands to the graphics,
  • size of the physical gate area - you can manage the zone in which the point is counted,
  • location of gates - in configuration mode using the Drag & Drop method.

Additional screens available in the template

Within the Ball Game template, you can add instruction, intro, start, success and end screen. You can use your own dedicated graphics for each screen and set parameters for texts, colours and backgrounds.

Details of screen editing can be found in the chapter Screens configuration.

Standard game success screen
Standard game success screen

Recommendations for your graphics and illustrations

Application icon

See chapter Creating an application.

App Background

See chapter Changing the graphics and parameters.


Recommendations for object graphics in the Ball Game template:

  • Recommended image file format: PNG (with transparent background)
  • Recommended Resolution:
    • controlled object: 200x200px
    • gate object: 156x520px

Motioncube graphics available for use in templates

Use the ready database of Motioncube backgrounds and graphic objects. Import selected elements in the template and create an application.

Download graphics database

App appearance after changes
App appearance after changes

Ideas for using the Ball Game template

Fun and Education - Replace the default objects in the template with graphics in juicy colors, with numbers or letters and encourage children to active movement fun.

Events and Entertainment - Replace the default background in the template with graphics with the slogan of your event, names of guests or birthdays. Use the appropriate objects appearing on the board.

Promotion and Advertising - Replace the default objects in the template with your brand logo. Use a background with your corporate identity.