Interactive floor reacting to movement

The guide describes how to prepare a motion-reactive interactive floor using Motioncube interactive software.

If you have used third-party software so far or you want to quickly build your own set of interactive floor then this guide is for you.

We will focus here on the classic configuration that uses commercially available infrared cameras for motion detection. We will refer to this configuration as simple, basic or typical interactive floor. This configuration is great for preparing a set operating in a place with heavy traffic.

It is worth knowing that Motioncube also offers the possibility to build a next generation interactive floor with many more ways to interact with the application. This floor requires the use of the Motioncube IR-Kit and is recommended for smaller groups of users who use the device on a regular basis. We call such a floor advanced, multiinteractive or interactive floor 2.0.

In short

The most important information about the motion-controlled interactive floor:

  • Application: Kindergartens, Playrooms, Shopping malls and other places with high traffic.
  • App interaction: One way to control - Motion Interaction.
  • Mounting: Device mounted above the interactive area.
  • Key components: Commercially available CCTV cameras or USB cameras, or Depth cameras.

Before you start

  1. Read how Motioncube does motion interaction and what are our recommendations for installation (see Motioncube Interactive Projection > Motion Interaction).

  2. Refer to the general guidelines for the infrared working environment that should be followed for your interactive floor to work properly (see Camera selection > Requirements explanation > General guidelines).

  3. Evaluate whether the offer of ready-made Motioncube applications and possibilities of available templates meet your needs.

Quick Test

You can quickly test Motioncube applications and templates without a complete set of interactive floor. All you have to do is install Motioncube Player on your own computer with a webcam connected.

Such a simplified environment will allow you to initially assess the possibilities and content of the content available in the Motioncube Store. You can test all applications and templates for free in demo mode.

  1. Refer to the Application Designers Help Center to learn more about what Motioncube can do to create your own interactive content.

  2. Refer to the End Users Manual for how to work with the interface.

  3. Reassess whether you prefer to configure your own device yourself (using this guide) or it would be better for you to buy a ready-made device with a built-in Motioncube (see available models).

Complete your kit

Start assembling the set with assessment of installation conditions and selection of the optimal assembly scheme. See our recommendations on the Work Environment page.


Refer to the Player > Computer requirements page.


Refer to the Projector selection page.


Refer to Camera Selection > Requirements Explained > Motion Interaction for guidelines on the camera and additional accessories required to ensure correct operation of the motion detection module.

Connect items

  1. Mount the projector and camera over the interaction area as close to each other as possible. Aim the projector image at the floor. Position the camera so that it can see the entire area projected by the projector.

  2. Connect the projector and camera to the computer. Make sure the camera cannot see the image the projector is displaying. Make sure the camera image is bright even if the room is dark.

Configure the Motioncube

  1. Make sure your camera is working properly before using the Motioncube. To do this, perform a test using system applications for downloading images from the camera (read more).

  2. Install and configure the Motioncube Player software according to Motioncube Player > Introduction.

  3. Perform the software configuration and camera calibration to ensure that all hardware components work together correctly and movement is detected with the appropriate precision and speed.

  4. Download the needed applications or templates from Motioncube Store and check them on the floor in the installation or installation-like environment.

  5. Before handing over the device to the end customer, switch the Motioncube operating mode to Playback and hide the visibility of the operating mode change in the Menu (see how to do it).

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